
Testo 270 Cooking Oil Tester

  • Testo 270 Cooking Oil Tester

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Product Information
• Pack Size: 1 - Product Code: FFF-ED766 - Storage temperature -20°C to +70°C

Cooking oil operating temperature +40°C to +200°C

Operating temperature 0°C to +50°C

Dimensions 50 x 170 x 300mm

Weight: 255g

Testo 270 is latest generation of our proven range cooking oil testers. Testo’s 270 allows you to determine the quality of cooking oil faster and more reliably than ever before. To do so, it measures the ‘Total Polar Material’ (TPM) content in the oil, which is a sure indicator of its quality. It then gives a percentage and if the oil is aged an increased TPM value will show. By using improper oil not only will the food produced be of a lower quality, but there is also a danger food related illness. Regular measurement with the testo 270 will help to prevent this and ensure the optimum quality of product time after time. Cooking oil develops its best potential between 14 and 20% TPM. Using this measurement tool to understand exactly when oil needs replacing also makes sure you aren’t wasting oil. You don’t want to be replacing perfectly good oil by changing too frequently as this will increase oil consumption and ultimately costs. TPM limit values can be individually defined to suit the requirements of the user, and can, like other instrument configurations, be protected from inadvertent alteration by a PIN The measuring instruments large display considerably simplifies the reading of temperature and TPM values. The traffic-light alarm system provided by multi-colour backlighting makes it even easier to evaluate the quality of the cooking oil: Green = TPM content is good. Amber = TPM value will need changing soon. Red = TPM value has exceeded safe amount. Thanks to its ergonomic design, the new testo 270 does not require the users hand to get within 25cm of the liquid being measured, thus minimising risk of injury by hot oil. In addition to this, the new cooking oil tester has more robust connections between the housing, the probe shaft and the sensor. Since the measuring instrument fulfils the protection class IP65 even without an additional protective case, cleaning it under running water is no problem – ideal for use in quick-service restaurants. Thanks to its ergonomic design, the new testo 270 does not require the users hand to get within 25cm of the liquid being measured, thus minimising risk of injury by hot oil. In addition to this, the new cooking oil tester has more robust connections between the housing, the probe shaft and the sensor. Since the measuring instrument fulfils the protection class IP65 even without an additional protective case, cleaning it under running water is no problem – ideal for use in quick-service restaurants.

Type: Digital Thermometers

Colour: Multi

Material: ABS & ABS-PC fibre glass

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Product CodeFFF-ED766

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